What’s The Best Way to Invest $1,000 to See Immediate Results?

Who the hell wants to waste time? I don’t! I believe in seeing immediate results. If you’re going to fail, you better fail fast.

“It’s extremely difficult to find smart people willing to start useful projects. Because sometimes what you start doesn’t work. The fact that it doesn’t work every time should give you confidence, because it means you’re doing something that frightens others.” — Seth Godin

I get asked about investing money all of the time. I always happen to have a different answer. Because it really depends on my mood. Right now, I’m in a super-competitive, hungry, and ready-to-take-on-the-world kind of mood.

Last year, I was able to interview Chris Guillebeau exclusively on here and I asked him about how he would launch/invest his time and money. Chris responded with:

“Launch something quickly — within 30 days — even if the website isn’t perfect or you don’t have everything together. As soon as possible, get your first sale or your first client.”

How would I invest $1,000 right now to see immediate results?

A friend asked me this recently. I told them that I could invest $1,000 in the next 30 minutes to see results.

That’s all I would need. 30 minutes and the money would be invested for immediate results.

What are immediate results in this case?

  • Clarity. I would know what to do next. I would have a clear picture of things.
  • Money. There would be a strong possibility of making this money back and then some.
  • Accomplish a goal. A goal would be accomplished in the process here.

What would I do with $1,000 right now for quick results?

  1. Buy a domain name.
  2. Book a trip.
  3. Pay for a freelancing service.

You can easily afford all three for your $1,000. But, why would I do this?

A domain name would allow me to work on business opportunities, share my ideas with the world, and find a way to make more money.

The trip would amp up my creativity. There’s just something about going away that gets the creative juices flowing.

A freelancing service would allow me to watch an expert at work.

You owe it to yourself to share your ideas with the world! You also don’t need a fortune to leave home. You don’t have to travel across the world. You can take a simple road trip.

[Oh and if you click the link below you’ll see just how cheap domain is. As a bonus offer, I’m willing to help you get started if you shoot over an email.]

A quick case study on launching…

I’ve worked with some incredible people over the years. One thing they all share in common is the goal of travel and increasing income.

I reached out to Ryan about launching and how Studenomics has helped him out. He had the following to say:

“I grew up with the typical mindset of an average American kid. Go to college, get good grades, find a good-paying job, and do that the rest of your life. So I went to college in Santa Barbara and got a degree in business, since I didn’t know what the heck I was going to do with my life and figured business could be applied to anything. Once I graduated, I got into marketing and worked at a local tech startup for about 3 years. It was a decent lifestyle – paid the bills, and I got to live in a pretty cool city. But over time I quickly realized this wasn’t the direction I wanted to take – something inside of me wanted more – especially more freedom. More freedom financially and more freedom with my time to do what I want. So I started looking into freelancing as a way to step out of the office drone role and into my path of freedom. Now I’m not saying it’s bad to work an office job, but it just wasn’t for me.

Anyways, I found a couple of courses on freelancing and started following Studenomics.

I had to learn to hustle, but to also be patient. I’m still learning that. Before I even really got any freelancing jobs, I made a ballsy move –

I quit my office job because I couldn’t take it anymore (that was kind of scary!).

So I went with my wife to live in Hawaii over the summer, to work on a farm and allow my head to clear and get direction with my life. It was in Hawaii that I decided to do WordPress website development as my freelancing trade, as I noticed lots of business cards at coffee shops without websites listed. Fast forward to now, I’m still ramping up my business but things are falling into place slowly but surely.

I’m learning that as long as you have the determination and undying desire for something, you’ll get there – you just have to take it a step at a time and be patient.”

Thanks Ryan. And no, I didn’t bribe him with beer to write this!

I want you to see immediate results. Please let me know how I can help you.

“I have far more respect for the person with a single idea who gets there than for the person with a thousand ideas who does nothing.” – Thomas Edison

2 thoughts on “What’s The Best Way to Invest $1,000 to See Immediate Results?”

  1. Excellent ideas! I would invest the $1000 into buying an existing Page Rank 2-3 site or book that trip you mentioned since you are so right – the site could be used for passive income for at least 1-2 years and the trip usually helps me to get way more creative too!

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