Dispelling More Common College PF Myths

There is a good chance that you are coming here today as a result of my guest post over at Lazy Man and Money where I dispel many common myths that young people have when it comes to personal finance while attending college. I have already received a bunch of emails from readers telling me how much they enjoyed my guest post. So what did I decide to do? Have a double post day today at Studenomics! Below I will dispel even more common myths about personal finance and college, so pretty much part 2 of my guest post:

Myth #4: You must buy new textbooks. This myth is rapidly decreasing as more and more students are realizing it is simply not feasible to purchase all new text books. However, if there are any students reading this site thinking that they for some reason still need to buy new text books then please read my popular post on how to save money on textbooks.

Myth #5: You must use the school’s health insurance plan. This is only true for students that have absolutely no other form of coverage. Most students do not even realize that they are paying apart of their tuition towards a school health plan. The reason most students don’t know about it? Simple, the school doesn’t tell you usually and you don’t find out unless you ask for a breakdown of your tuition fees. If you know for a fact that you are covered under your parents health plan or any other health plan then please cancel you health insurance plan with the school at the beginning of the semester. Believe me this will save you a couple of hundred dollars. Obviously don’t go cancelling your school health plan if you don’t have any other coverage.

Myth #6: You will save money by purchasing items on sale. The truth is the only way you will save money is by not buying stuff even if it is on sale. Think about it, how many luxuries does a student really need? Just because the Lacoste store is having a sale it doesn’t mean you should run over there and buy as many pairs of jeans as you can. This also ties into the key concept of delayed gratification which in this scenario pretty much means that the time you spend as a student should have a few sacrifices so that when you are done with college you will be debt free.

If there are any other basic assumptions about finances while attending college that you feel are a myth please list them.

1 thought on “Dispelling More Common College PF Myths”

  1. Deciding whether or not to purchase a text book for a class can save you a lot of money. I’ve taken classes where I bought the previous version of the text and then compared the assignments to someone with the newer version and 95% of the time I didn’t miss a beat. Newer versions of textbooks are such a scam for poor college students.

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