How Community College Can Benefit You

Are you debating what to do for school? Let’s jump into community college once again. I already discussed the benefits of a community college a few months ago. As you all probably know by now I started off my education at a community college in my city and I greatly enjoyed this experience.

I wanted to further this discussion. What are the community college benefits?

Low tuition is one of the benefits of community college

We all have problems with paying for college. The low community college tuition can do wonders for your bank account. If you want to go back to school during this current economic recession then a community college would be the best option for you.

The community college tuition is usually literally less than half of the price than a major university. Not only was the low tuition beneficial but as was the fact that I had the time to work and earn an income. If money is a major issue for you then you should look into the community college route to upgrade your skills. You can continue working and take courses in the evening time or whenever convenient for you.

Community college professors are very accessible

In community college you have a higher chance of meeting up for coffee with one of your professors than in a major university. One thing I really enjoyed was when you emailed a professor regarding a specific issue, they would reply by suggesting you meet for coffee to discuss the situation. Many of you that are in a large university (like myself) know how it feels when you wait days just for a professor to respond to an email. It feels like an eternity.

Community college alumni are more willing to help

From my experiences I noticed that community college alumni were more than happy to help out current students. I was invited to many lunches/dinners with the college alumni. All of these experiences helped me formulate my opinion on what the next steps would be for me in terms of  my education/career growth. You can also get feedback when you want to start a business or pursue your own projects.

The community college diversity is quite unique

The community college that I attended had a very diverse group of students. For some of my group projects I found myself working with people in their 30s or 40s who were going back to school to upgrade their skills. As much as I value hanging out with people my own age I value just as much the conversations to be held with students older than me.

As you can tell by now, there are many benefits to community college. If you can look past the negative stigma, you can really upgrade your skills and increase your income with this option.

2 thoughts on “How Community College Can Benefit You”

  1. It’s great that community colleges usually cost half as much as a typical university. My daughter wants to start college next semester, but she would prefer to live at home and save money for a while longer. A local community college seems like a great way for her to start her education with the lowest costs possible.

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