Martin Dasko For Hire

I can help you or your organization reach young people when it comes to personal finance and all topics related to money.

Do you need a speaker for your event? Do you want exclusive content for your blog? Do you want to reach millennials about personal finance topics (saving money, paying down debt, college life, investing, moving out, side hustles, real estate, etc.)?

Due to popular demand, after 14 years of helping young people and working with brands, I’m now offering my services to business owners, organizations, and anyone looking to reach young folks about anything money-related.

Studenomics for Hire

Most companies can’t reach young folks because they don’t speak their language. I’ve been in the trenches for over a decade now. I can help you reach millennials (college students and young professionals) when it comes to anything money-related. I get results for my readers and for the companies that I work for (writing, speaking and consulting). Jacquelyn paid off $48k worth of debtMatt quit his job to make tables, and Theo started his own tutoring company.

What am I offering?

  1. I can write for your blog/business as a freelancer writer. I’ve written detailed topics on financial issues ranging from credit scores to starting a side hustle to buying your first property.
  2. I can speak at your event. I’m offering virtual and in-person speaking.
  3. I can consult with you. I can work with your organization to help reach millennials about personal finance. I’m offering consulting and collaboration opportunities. This will vary on your budget, what your goals are, and how you want to work together.

What are my speaking/writing topics?

 I can come in and speak or write for your company about financial issues impacting young folks. My expertise is in the following topics:

  • Graduating from college debt-free.
  • Buying your first rental property.
  • Start a side hustle (unique ways to make money these days).
  • Paying down student loans.
  • Chasing dreams without going broke.
  • How to invest your money.
  • What you never learned in college about being an adult.
  • Having some fun while saving a few bucks.
  • Cryptocurrency (and other risky investments).

Those are the main key points that I could discuss. I don’t give general advice.

On the flip side, I can provide motivation with my enthusiasm and stories. I give practical advice that you won’t forget.

I’ve been doing public speaking at high schools, colleges, and events. You can contact me for speaking footage (I can’t share some of it publicly due to event arrangements).

I’ve worked on becoming an income expert. I want to help readers make money on their own. I want to help young people master their money.

Check out some of my best side hustle income studies from my own personal experiences:

  1. How you can host Airbnb experiences.
  2. How to start an online business.
  3. Should you drive for Uber?
  4. Man’s best side hustle?

Exclusive content/freelance writing (articles that attract readers, which equals more money!).

Do you want to increase the quality of writing on your blog? Do you want to take your blog to the next level? Are you looking to finally reach young professionals? Are you looking for a fresh perspective?

Articles range from 500 to 2,000 words depending on what your needs are. For more information, please contact me.

I’ve been invited to college campuses, events for young professionals, and even to the Federal Reserve Bank in Chicago (pictured below). I’ve also done media on these topics.

Fed Reserve Money Smart Kick-Off 040214

Samples of my freelance writing.

Here are freelance articles that I’ve published recently on established websites in the personal finance space.

Listen to me on a few popular personal finance podcasts:

Why should you listen to me?

Studenomics For Hire


  • I managed to graduate college debt-free with some creative strategies, excellent time management and increased income.
  • I’ve been on about 20 trips in the last few years. All of this has been possible with my improvement in my money management.
  • I have a degree in business.
  • I’ve worked with some of the top personal finance bloggers in the field.
  • I’ve made life easier for every blogger that I worked with. This is on top of seeing more traffic, revenue, and reader interaction.
  • I’ve helped many readers get out of debt, master time management, and conquer their finances.
  • I’ve worked with brands to reach young people since 2008.

Where have I been mentioned?

Lifehacker (multiple times), Fox Business News, Yahoo Finance, The Globe and Mail, Toronto Star, New York Times, and every possible personal finance outlet online. Check out this Toronto Guardian piece for a detailed look.

What have others said that have worked with me in the past?

Martin Dasko

Below are two examples of how I’ve helped business owners/readers with my help.

“Martin is a fantastic staff writer.  He cares about his writing and truly appreciates feedback.  Plus, if you are a more hands off site owner, he can be depended on to stick to deadlines. I highly recommend his services and know he will excel at anything you throw his way.” — Crystal Stemberger

“Martin Dasko has never been an author to sell a dream. Instead he sells real life skills that will transform you into a competent professional. He makes it so easy for us. All of his endless hours of research, education, energy and successes are all laid out for us in this essential easy to read book.” — Justin Sousa, after reading one of my guides.

Fill out your info below to see if you would be a good fit.

If you want to work with me then please fill out the form below with what you’re looking for and I’ll get back to you.

[contact-form to=’[email protected]’ subject='[Work With MD’][contact-field label=’Name’ type=’name’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Email’ type=’email’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Comment’ type=’textarea’ required=’1’/][/contact-form]

I look forward to working with you.

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